January 2021

Dear Member

It is that time of the year when we invite you to renew your membership with Kilkenny Chamber and who would have thought this time last year what lay ahead of us then! Indeed, the future for this year too remains full of uncertainty although there is huge hope that the vaccine roll out will bring great and positive change for us all.

It is in challenging and difficult times like this that businesses need support and representation in the places and with the people that can influence and make changes happen. Kilkenny Chamber of Commerce does exactly that for its members.

Last year Kilkenny Chamber proactively engaged in “Covid Conference Calls” two and three times per week with Government Ministers and their Departments to ensure a proper understanding of the issues facing businesses and how to address them. Throughout the year the Chambers of Commerce made more lobbying returns than any other business representative organisation in the country and, with your support, we will continue this work in 2021.

Despite the obvious challenges, Kilkenny Chamber continued to provide its full range of services including regular Chamber Chats and other Networking events. We ran the annual Golf Classic in Mount Juliet and despite not having a gala night, we had a very successful Kilkenny Business Awards programme which saw the President’s Award go to Bobby Kerr and the Lifetime Achievement Award to Mrs Kitty Donohoe.

It was Kilkenny Chamber that made the application for funding for the wonderful new Christmas lights on The Parade (they cost nearly €100k) and we have also ring fenced over €770,000 for spending in Kilkenny shops and businesses through the Kilkenny Gift Voucher scheme!

With your support all this work and more will continue in 2021. Our invoice will issue to you in the coming days and you are respectfully asked to submit your remittance as soon as possible please. Should you have any queries or ideas/suggestions for 2021, please don’t hesitate to let us know.


John Hurley


Kilkenny Chamber

Tel: 086 2740581