Brian Keyes, Editorial Operations Director at Iconic Newspapers, has become the new President of Kilkenny Chamber, and will serve a two year term of office. Brian accepted the Chain of Office from outgoing President Colin Ahern, saying

I look forward to taking up the baton at Kilkenny Chamber with its main principles of supporting Kilkenny Business and what’s best for Kilkenny at large. We have many events – from Golf Classics to Awards nights on our calendar, and we have significant projects to bring to fruition like our App, and also to increase our membership, to continue to open up to members all around the county to join and see the benefits of being a member of one of the best Chambers in the country.’

The new Board of Directors for the term 2022-2023 are:

Vice President:  Anne Barber, Butterslip

ex-Officio President: Colin Ahern

Hon. Secretary/ Company Secretary:  Owen Sweeney, Poe Kiely Hogan Lanigan

Hon. Treasurer: Gordon Murphy, Glanbia Ireland DAC

Assistant Hon. Treasurer: Mary Brennan, PwC

PR Officer:  John Masterson, Purcell Masterson Communications

Ordinary Board Members;

Marion Acreman, MacDonagh Junction

Paschal Bergin, Paschal Bergin & Company

Michael Brannigan, PRL Group

Margaret Clancy, TransferMate

Martin Costello, Murphy’s Jewellers

Jason Dempsey, AIB

Gavin Dixon, Business IT Support

Gary Graham, Graham Shoes

Claire McInerney Brown, Suasmane Ltd.

Tom O’Connor, Poto Consulting Ltd.

Deirdre Shine, Bank of Ireland